Vincent Acary INRIA
Flyfishing Patagonia...
ma tronche ... ma tronche ...

I am a researcher in the TRIPOP project-team of the INRIA center of University Grenoble Alpes . I was two years (2014--2016) in Santiago de Chile at INRIA Chile. A short interview in Spanish.

My research interests concern the modeling, the analysis and the simulation of nonsmooth dynamical systems. Typical instances are mechanical systems with unilateral constraints, contact, Coulomb's friction, impacts, plasticity, fracture (granular materials, masonry buildings, circuit breakers, robotic arms), electrical circuits with ideal components, or sliding mode control. Many other interesting applications may also be found in physics, biology and ecological economics.

I am one of the promoter of the Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM).

I am also animating the friendly European Network for Nonsmooth Dynamics.

Detailed CV in English (12/10/2023)
ORCID iD icon
Current research themes:
Others (older) subject : discretization of sliding mode control, dynamic flows over networks, optimal control of sweeping processes, Modeling of clearances in joints.
Projects & Research Opportunities
Current PhD Students, post-doc and research engineers
PhD Students Postdoctoral Fellow Alumni: see Students and co-workers for a list.
Granted Projects

Contact information
Email email
Address INRIA centre de l'Université Grenoble Alpes
655 avenue de l'Europe, Inovallée de Montbonnot,
38334 St Ismier Cedex, France
Phone +33 4 76 61 52 29

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