Projects and Transfer
ANR Digitslid project (2019-2021) DIGISLID "DIGItal set-valued and homogeneous SLIding mode control and Differentiators: the implicit approach" (ANR 18 CE40 0008) is a project funded by The French National Research Agency (ANR). The start of the project is October 2018 for a duration of 3 years.
Implementation of sliding mode control. The ChaSlim project is a 4-year project, supported by the ANR (French National Agency for Research) in the BLANC framework programme. The project will run from 1 October 2011 until 30 September 2015. The main goals of the project are designing new sliding mode controllers and developing a toolbox for synthesizing controllers and simulating the obtained closed-loop system.
Coordinator of the ANR Saladyn projet which is a 4-year project, supported by the ANR (French National Agency for Research) in the COSINUS framework programme. The project will run from 1 January 2009 until 31 December 2012. The main goal of the project is a Platform Salomé-méca for the simulation of mechanical systems with interactive multi-modelling in the nonsmooth dynamical systems framework.
visit the webpage of the ANR project Saladyn (2008 - 2012)
High Confidence Validation of Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits. The VAL-AMS project on High Confidence Validation of Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits will run from 1 January 2007 until 1 January 2009. It has been made possible by a grant from the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) under the program SETIN-2006.
Leader of the "Work Package 2" on numerical algorithms and software tools. One of the main outcome of this project is the
Siconos software. SICONOS is the European Project IST2001-37172, funded by the Commission of the European Communities, from September 1, 2002, to August 31, 2006. It is a project of the Information Society Technologies programme, fifth framework programme (FP5). This project's goal is the study of complementarity dynamical systems (a class of hybrid dynamical systems). It gathers scientists from various communities like Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Systems and Control, and Numerical Analysis.
Industrial transfer and collaboration
Schneider Electric
Simulation and mechanical design of electrical circuit breakers (More than 10 years of collaboration)
I am also the scientific responsible for the relation Schneider Electric/INRIA.
Ansys France
Design and simulation software for mechanical multi--body systems.
Trasys Space
Simulation and Design of controlled space robotic systems (ExoMars Rover for ESA)
Other links with industries
STmicroElectronics, Mentor Graphics, EdF,