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Vincent Acary
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Vincent Acary INRIA
Talks and seminars
Nonsmooth dynamics of extrinsic cohesive models for fracture. (pdf)
EPFL Civil Engineering Seminar Series, Lausanne 21 March 2025
Nonsmooth dynamics for modeling natural gravity hazard. (pdf)
Workshop Mathématiques et Géosciences, 25 - 28 november 2024 - Chambéry, France
Presentation of a PhD subject. Instability phenomena linked to warming in ice--filled permafrost rock and run-out of rock avalanches (pdf)
(animated gif)
KickOff Meeting. PEPR Risques. IRIMONT 14 October 2024, Grenoble, France.
Siconos. An open source library for nonsmooth mechanical systems involving contact, impact, friction, plasticity and fracture. (pdf)
9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 3-7 June 2024, Lisboa, Portugal.
Siconos/numerics and FCLIB: a collection of solvers and benchmarks for solving frictional contact problems (pdf)
CMIS 2024
The 11th Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS). May 22-24 2024, Lyon, France.
Elasto-dynamics with plasticity and contact in the nonsmooth framework. (pdf)
ENNSD 2023
Tenth Symposium of the European Network for Nonsmooth Dynamics at ULg Liège University. 5-6 September 2023.
A monolithic computational method for elasto-dynamics with plasticity and contact based on variational approach. (pdf)
ICCCM 2023
International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics. Politecnico di Torino July 5-7, 2023
Computational methods for the simulation of nonsmooth cable dynamics in ropeways transportation systems (pdf)
Symposium on High Performance Multibody System Simulation.
University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Department of Mechatronics. October 7 - 8, 2022
Keynote lecture. Time-integration methods for nonsmooth contact dynamics : beyond the seminal Moreau-Jean scheme (pdf)
CMIS 2022
Contact Mechanics international symposium. Chexbres. Switzerland. May 23-25, 2022
Jean Jacques Moreau. Un fondateur de la Mécanique non lisse. (pdf)
Conférences-débats de l'Académie des sciences
. Travaux récents dans le sillage de Jean Jacques Moreau. 15 Juin 2021.
Keynote version with animations
videos on Youtube
Introduction à la méthode des éléments discrets (MED/DEM)
Webinaire I-Risk.
25 November 2020
Time-Integration methods for nonsmooth contact dynamics with friction and impacts.
Matherials seminars.
SIMAP/LJK/Institut Fourier. 18 February 2020, Grenoble, France
Numerical methods for Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems
GdR MOA. Mini course, 14-16 October 2019, Rennes, France
The nonsmooth dynamics framework for the analysis and simulation of multi-body systems.
Multibody Dynamics Workshop 2019. 2nd International Multibody Summer School, 20-24 May 2019, Parma, Italy
Time-Integration methods used for nonsmooth contact dynamics with friction and impact: from the Moreau-Jean integration scheme to nonsmooth generalized methods.
Natural Hazards and vulnerability of anthropic structures. January 31, 2019 Workshop RNI - Indus. and Natural Risks. INSA Lyon
Numerical Methods for nonsmooth dynamical systems. Summer School DYNOLIN 2018. Villa Clythia. CNRS. Fréjus
Lecture 1: Modeling and formulation
Lecture 2: Time-integration methods
Lecture 3: Solving discrete problems
Siconos software
Formulations and extensive comparisons of 3D frictional contact solvers based on performance profiles
Vincent Acary, Maurice Brémond, Olivier Huber INRIA Rhone-Alpes, Grenoble. CMIS 2018, Biella, Italy
Nonsmooth Newton methods for frictional contact problems in flexible multi-body systems.
Vincent Acary, Maurice Brémond,Frédéric Dubois. CSMA. Giens May 2017
Modification of Moreau-Jean's Scheme for Energy Conservation in Inelastic Impact Dynamics
Carlos Yoong, Vincent Acary, Mathias Legrand. ENOC. Budapest June 2017
Improvements of the Moreau--Jean time integration scheme for multi-body systems with clearances and large rotations
ENNSD. Sixth symposium of the European network for nonsmooth dynamics Eindhoven June 2017
An open question : How to solve efficiently 3D frictional contact problem ?
Fitfh symposium of the European network for nonsmooth dynamics Université de Liège, September 08-09th, 2016
Modeling and simulation of mechanical systems with contact and friction within the nonsmooth contact dynamics framework. Possible applications in geosciences.
Seminario del Departamento de Ingenieria Matematica. Universidad de Concepcion. Chile November 12, 2015
The nonsmooth contact dynamics method for the simulation of granular matter flows and fracture in mining applications.
Seminar CMM. Universidad de Chile. August 27, 2015
Ordinary differential equations with discontinuous right-hand sides as complementarity systems. Application to gene regulatory networks.
CMM, Santiago de Chile, March 2nd 2014
Periodic motions of coupled impact oscillators.
Vincent Acary, Guillaume James, Franck Pérignon ENOC. Vienna. June 2014
The nonsmooth generalized-alpha scheme with a simultaneous enforcement of constraints at position and velocity levels.
ENOC. Vienna. June 2014 Olivier Bruls, Vincent Acary, and Alberto Cardona
An open question : How to solve efficiently 3D frictional contact problem ?
Computational Contact Mechanics: Advances and Frontiers in Modeling Contact, Banff International Research station, Canada, February 15-21th, 2013,
Ordinary differential equations with discontinuous right-hand sides as complementarity systems. Application to gene regulatory networks ICCOPT 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, July 27 to August 1, 2013
An extension of the Moreau-Jean scheme based on the generalized-alpha schemes for the numerical time integration of flexible dynamical systems with contact and friction. XLIM MOD Seminar. September 20, 2013. Limoges.
Numerical simulation of piecewise-linear models of gene regulatory networks using complementarity systems. Workshop 3 on Complementarity and its Extensions. 17 - 21 Dec 2012. Institute for Mathematical Sciences. National University of Singapore
Higher order schemes for nonsmooth mechanical systems. NUMDIFF 12.
Time-integration of flexible multi-body systems with contact. Newmark based schemes and the coefficient of restitution. 1st Symposium of the European Network for Nonsmooth Dynamics. ETH Zurich. June 2012
Time-integration of flexible multi-body systems with contact. Newmark based schemes and the coefficient of restitution. LMA Seminar. November 27, 2012. Marseille.
Time integration of nonsmooth mechanical systems with unilateral contact. Conservation and stability of position and velocity constraints in discrete time. ENOC 2011, Roma, Italy. 25-29 July 2011.
Méthodes numéiques pour la simulation des systèmes multi-corps en présence de contact, de frottement et d'impacts. Plénière. JNRR '09. 04-06 Novembre,2009
Nonsmooth dynamical systems. Numerical Time-integration schemes and the Siconos platform. séminaire LAMCOS, Insa Lyon , April 10, 2008
Nonsmooth dynamical systems. Numerical Time-integration schemes and the Siconos platform. séminaire LMGC, Montpellier , 2 Octobre, 2008
Investigations toward higher resolution time--stepping schemes for NonSmooth Multibody Systems (NSMBS). Journée CSMA, Nantes , April 3, 2008
Basics on numerical algorithms for Non Smooth Dynamical Systems. Third SICONOS General Meeting. September 15-17, Bristol
Numerical methods and software for Non Smooth Dynamical Systems. The Siconos Platform. 5th international school "Topics in nonlinear Dynamics", Piecewise smooth Dynamical systems, Naples, 18-20 September 2006
Concurrent multiple impact in rigid bodies: Formulation and simulation. Enoc 2005, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 7-12 august 2005
La démarche qualité dans le projet européen SICONOS. Journées Ingénieurs développement et plates-formes expérimentales. Rennes, 5 Avril 2005
Modélisation des impacts multiples simultanés. Etude d'une chaiîne de billes. CSMA 22 Mai 2003 - Giens 2003
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